The Urbanic Law Firm

Presentence Investigation Changes – New Oklahoma Laws in 2017 Pt 4

The law covering presentence investigations in Oklahoma changed on November 1, 2017. A presentence investigation in Oklahoma is something that’s done after a defendant pleads guilty to a felony. It’s supposed to help the judge determine an appropriate sentence. A presentence investigation is also referred to as a PSI.

The information obtained from the presentence investigation includes:

HB 1324 made the following changes to 22 O.S. § 982:

The main effect this change in law has is the increased cost for a presentence investigation. Since the maximum fee is $500, you can be assured that anyone conducting this investigation will charge exactly $500. The other big impact this change will have is on nonviolent offenders, as they will most likely have to get an investigation through a private provider.

If you’ve been charged with a crime in Oklahoma,

Don’t panic!

Call Urbanic.

(405) 633-3420
