The Urbanic Law Firm

Handguns In Courthouses – 2017 Oklahoma Laws #21

Oklahoma now allows elected county officials to carry a concealed handgun in the courthouse if they possess a valid handgun license. However, they may not bring that handgun into a courtroom. There’s a similar provision allowing state judges to carry concealed handguns when acting in the course and scope of employment within the courthouses of Oklahoma. There’s no similar restriction on bringing handguns into a courtroom for judges, so it’s safe to assume that state judges can legally pack heat in their courtroom.

Check out this answer page for more information on where it’s unlawful to carry a handgun.

HB 1104 modified 21 O.S. § 1277. This change went into effect on November 1, 2017.

Sources: HB 1104 & 21 O.S. § 1277

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