The Urbanic Law Firm

What Can I Expect While My Case Is Pending at The Urbanic Law Firm?

What to Expect When You Become a Client

At the beginning of the representation, we give you a client information form and an offense detail form. We ask that you return those forms to us within a week. Once we receive those forms back from you, and have the police report, then we will email the police report to you. If there is any video or audio, you will have an opportunity to review it in the office. During that office visit, we will go over all of the evidence that we have, and we will strategize about the case. This will be an opportunity to have you decide how you would like to move forward in the case. We want the client to come in again to review any new evidence. If we get new evidence, then we want you to return and review it with us.

While your case is pending, you will receive updates from us as we receive new information or have something important to pass on to you. If there is nothing new since the last time we talked, then we typically won’t contact you just to let you know that nothing has happened. Sometimes, we check in with clients to see how things are going, check on the status of their counseling/classes, and see if they have any questions.

Will Anyone Else Be Working On My Case If I Hire You?

The attorney you talk to on the phone during the consultation will be the one who handles your case. We have legal assistants in the firm who may do some of the work on your case. If we have multiple attorneys in the firm, then we use a team concept. This means that we will help each other out in our cases. This may mean physically going somewhere to make an appearance for that attorney or bouncing ideas off each other to help the client.

How Many Criminal Cases Do You Handle Each Year? How Many Cases Do You Take On At A Time?

The number of cases that an attorney takes on each year or the number of cases an attorney has at one time does not have much significance. There are a lot of different variables that go into how many cases an attorney takes on or how many cases an attorney has at one time. I only take what I can handle in order to do a great job for each client. If I feel like I’m at a point where taking additional cases would be detrimental to my current clients, then I will send those additional cases elsewhere. I have cases in all different phases of a case’s life cycle. Typically, much of the work on a case is done at the beginning, so there can be periods of time spent just waiting for something to happen. For instance, we may just be waiting until the plea date or for a certain piece of discovery to come in. Ultimately, we are always respectful of our current clients and do not take on a caseload that negatively impacts their cases.

How Often Do You Appear In Court?

I make every effort to appear at every court appearance, but that isn’t always possible. Sometimes I’m out of town attending legal training or on duty with the Air Force Reserve. If I am out of town and I know that I’m not going to make a court appearance, I pre-coordinate with the client and the prosecutor. If there is a conflict, I try to get a new date for the appearance ahead of time. However, if I’ve been hired right before a court date, then my appearance might not be possible because it is difficult to reschedule things at the last minute. Sometimes, a court date that has been set simply cannot be changed. An attorney whom I trust will appear for me in court if I’m unable to attend and couldn’t move the appearance.

What Sets Your Firm Apart In Criminal Defense Representation?

One thing that sets our firm apart from other law firms is our embrace of technology. We use cutting-edge technology in the representation of our clients. This includes cloud-based technology and tablet computers that we always carry with us. The case management software that we use is Smokeball. Our client files are stored securely in the cloud. This means that we can access clients’ information regardless of where we are. This allows us to resolve things quicker. We also have the opportunity to work on cases at locations where others can’t, since it is impractical to carry around a filing cabinet. While other attorneys are carrying armfuls of folders into a courtroom, we carry a tablet computer.

We also embrace many high-level business practices. For instance, we operate a lean office model using Lean Six Sigma business methodologies. This means that we are constantly trying to reduce waste and improve the efficiency of our firm. By reducing waste and improving efficiency, our quality of work increases. We have a continuous improvement business model. This means that we are constantly looking at ways to improve our processes. Over time, multiple small improvements lead to big changes.

Something else that distinguishes The Urbanic Law Firm from other criminal defense law firms is our securing a 991c expungement with every eligible criminal case. Only defendants who plead to a deferred sentence and successfully complete all the terms of probation are eligible for a 991c expungement. Our goal in every case is dismissal. That’s not possible in every case. If we were unable to achieve a dismissal in a case but the client instead pleaded to a deferred sentence, then we still work with the client to see that their case is ultimately dismissed. Since a dismissal is not always automatic, we first secure the dismissal. Then, we take the necessary steps to secure the 991c expungement. The 991c expungement takes the case information off the internet and changes the criminal record with the OSBI to “Pled not guilty, case dismissed.” While it’s not an arrest expungement, it makes a criminal background check look much better. This is just one example of how The Urbanic Law Firm takes our client service to the next level.

What’s The Best Way To Communicate With You?

The best way to communicate with me during the representation is by text. You may also call, but you will reach the receptionist 24/7 if you call. We will get your message shortly after you leave it, and I will return your call as soon as I can. If you text me, then you will be talking directly to me. Texting lets me quickly answer questions and deal with issues. I’m frequently in court or in some place where I’m unable to talk on the phone. It may take a little while for me to get to a place where I can make a phone call. If an issue can’t be resolved with a text or is lengthy, then I will call you back. Another great way of communicating with me is by email. I use email frequently to send and receive documents and other attachments. It’s important that my clients check their email regularly because I may be emailing something important and time-critical. The most important benefit that text and email provide is a record of the conversation. I frequently text information such as dates, times, and locations. It’s good to have a record of those, and other, things to check later if someone forgets. We are very responsive and pride ourselves in our promptness in replying to client concerns.